- Value and Impact of User-Initiated Literature Searches on Academic and Clinical Practice
- Design and Implementation of an Information Literacy Module for Online Learners in an International Context
- What’s the big deal about the Big Deal … and other assorted problems with budgets and e-resources
- The Challenge of Patient Engagement
- The White Plague: A Brief Look at a Menacing Disease in the First Half of the 20th Century in Newfoundland and Labrador
- Does What We Do Matter?
- From Idea to Publication: How Do I Get There?
- Training the Brain: Information Bootcamp
- Panel Discussion: Careers in Health Sciences Librarianship
- So You’re Thinking About Apps for Your Library
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Course Integrated Library Instruction in an Undergraduate Nursing Program
- Medical Apps and Mobile Devices: Integrating Point of Care Tools into Your Health Sciences Library
- Medicine, Maps, and GIS: An Overview
- Exceeding your grasp: Using outreach tools and opportunities to expand your audience
- Fourth Year and Beyond
- Adventures in establishing a pediatric health library or “They did not teach me this in library school!”
- PubMed: An Evolving Database
- Do-It-Yourself Library Promotion: A Marketing Roundtable
- The iPad: from Apple to Anesthesia
- The Post-Access Copyright Landscape: What It Means and How to Cope
- Canadian Virtual Health Library Information Session
- RSS for the Health Librarian: Professional, Personal, and Practical Uses and Functions
- Volunteering in Libraries
- Selecting the Selection Tool
- Trawling the Depths: Data Mining & Visualization for Librarians
- Clinical Librarianship
- Primary Health Care
- Birth of a Database: Newfoundland and Labrador Health Bibliography: A Labour of Love
- Update on the Consultant for the Review of Provincial Health Libraries
- Overview of the Newfoundland and Labrador Healthline program
- Health Statistics and Research, NLCHI
- Electronic Health Record
- Poster Session
- The Canadian Agency for Drugs & Technologies in Health: the role of librarians and information specialists in assessing drugs and health care devices
- The Centre for Health Information: Organizational Overview, Data Sources and Services
- Faculty perceptions of the information literacy of medical students
- Newfoundland and Labrador Health and Community Services Archive and Museum – Highlighting the History of Health Services in Newfoundland and Labrador
- Poster Session
- PubMed – Behind the Screens
- Critical Appraisal: What Does All That Stuff Mean, Anyway?
- Librarians at the Click of a Button
- Trends in e-Book Usage and the HSL Experience
There was no workshop, as the NLHLA hosted the CHLA annual conference
- NLM / MESH Cataloguing Training
2001 Fall
- CHLA Chapters task force meeting
- e-Journals: What do I need to know?
- NLHKN Update and Demo
- Records Management Seminar
- Role of Health Information in Evaluation
- Copyright Update
- Evaluating WWW Information
- Searching the WWW
- Canadian Copyright Update
- Centre for Health Information
- Stress Management
- Regional Health Boards and Resource Sharing
- Free Medlines on the Web
- How to Write a Home Page
- Health Resources on the World Wide Web
- Changes in the Healthcare System
- New options for Document Delivery
- Update from the Collaborative Libraries Group (Nursing)
There was no workshop, as the NLHLA hosted the CHLA annual conference.
- Resource Sharing/ILL Discussion
- Planning Meeting for 1995 CHLA Conference
- Newfoundland Cancer Treatment Centre
- Bibliographic Instruction
- Literacy Levels of Nursing Students
- Planning Meeting for 1995 CHLA Conference
- The Internet
- Patient Health Information
- Grateful Med
- Canadian Health Libraries Association
- Copyright and Health Libraries
- Humour in the Workplace
- Cooperation Among Health Libraries
- Beds, Bugs, and Bodies: Pathology of the Newfoundland Health Care System
- Online Indexes for Health Libraries
- Online Catalogues for Small Libraries
- Computer Applications
- Setting up a Workstation
- CD-ROM product demonstrations
- Cataloguing When Your Only Tools are MeSH and NLM Classification
- Promoting Library Services
- Assertiveness and …
- Information Sharing Round Table
- Copyright and Health Libraries
- Copyright, Interlibrary Loans, and the Health Sciences Library
- Policies and Procedures in Small Hospital Library Management
- Computer Applications in Libraries
- Online Searching
- Cataloguing for Small Libraries
- No Information Available
- No Information Available
- Quality Assurance
- Basic Cataloguing of Library Materials
- Using MeSH, Medline, and NLM Classification
- InterLibrary Loans problem solving
- Developing regional library services for the province
- Audio-Visuals at the Health Sciences Library
- Reference Tools for Health Sciences Librarians
- This was the initial organizing meeting for the Association.