On behalf of the NLHLA executive we would like to encourage our members to submit their contributions as either a presented paper, poster presentation of a lightening talk for the upcoming 2107 CHLA / ABSC conference to be held in Edmonton Alberta. The information regarding how to submit for work is provided below:
Call for Submissions CHLA/ABSC 2017 Annual Conference Northern Illumination/Lumières du Nord May 16-19, 2017, Edmonton, Alberta
Veuillez prendre note que la version française fait suite au texte anglais.
The 2017 CHLA/ABSC Planning Committee invites submissions for the Annual Conference of the Canadian Health Libraries Association/Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada (CHLA/ABSC), to be held in Edmonton. The theme of the conference is “Northern Illumination/Lumières du Nord”.
The online abstract submission site is now available via the CHLA/ABSC conference website. To be considered, submissions must be received by December 1, 2016, 9:59 pm MST.
Authors are asked to rank how they would prefer to present their work: as a paper, poster, or lightning talk. Abstracts not accepted to a first choice will be considered for second and third choices.
When submitting structured abstracts, authors will note whether their abstract is a research abstract or program description abstract:
- Research abstracts report on designing, conducting, and analyzing a research project.
- Program Description abstracts describe the creation and improvement of products, programs, technologies, administrative practices, or services conducted by librarians and information professionals.
Refer to the FAQ page for additional information.
For more information, contact:
Janice Kung janice.kung@ualberta.ca Sandy Campbell sandy.campbell@ualberta.ca
NLHLA Executive
Shannon, Kim and Alison