MLA and CHLA / ABSC Joint Statement

MLA and CHLA/ABSC Joint Statement

By Teresa L. Knott, AHIP, President, Medical Library Association (MLA), and Lindsay Alcock, President, Canadian Health Libraries Association/Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada (CHLA/ABSC)

CHLA/ABSC and MLA have a long history of shared values and joint initiatives, deeply rooted in our respective missions, values, diversity, openness, and transparency. We unite in our commitment to transcend borders and support an open and transparent environment of international cooperation that allows us to freely share health sciences information and professional collegiality in person and virtually.

History has an unfortunate habit of repeating itself. In her February 14, 2017, New York Times op-ed piece, Wendy Palen, associate professor of biology at Simon Fraser University, and the board chair of the nonprofit Evidence for Democracy, reminds us of the time When Canadian Scientists Were Muzzled by Their Government. Palen paints a chilling picture of the dark times that Canadians experienced ten years ago under Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

When the Canadian scientific community experienced government efforts to censor the sharing of scientific information, to close research libraries, and to destroy environmental historical data and reports, Canadian scientists and librarians forged a bond to take on the establishment, speaking up and speaking out. Their successful efforts helped overturn the Canadian government’s anti-science agenda.

Ten years later in the United States, we have legitimate concerns about an assault on open science and full access to research under the current administration. US librarians can learn a great deal from their Canadian colleagues. More than ever, we need to remain united, between our two countries and with other nations that value open communication and the free flow of scientific discourse.

ACRL’s Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education refers to “scholarship as communication.” The very nature of information or research is iterative and its value is defined through discourse, dissemination, and debate. In light of current political uncertainty and its effect on our professional activities, MLA and CHLA/ABSC extend support to all our members and encourage continued participation – in person or virtually – in conferences, annual meetings, and other collaborations.

Your association is your advocate. We invite you to share any concerns you may have with your association’s leadership so that we may advocate on your behalf as appropriate. We look forward to participating as part of an international movement to protect the integrity of research, scholarship, and the freedom of information.

Call for Presentations NLHLA 2017

The executive of NLHLA are welcoming your submissions to present at our annual NLHLA Conference which will be held on Friday May 5, 2017 at the QE II Library at Memorial University.

As the saying goes” we are living in interesting times” and we would love to hear your perspective on the challenges and opportunities these interesting times bring to our various library environments and services.  What impact are local and global events having on your library?  How do we rise to the challenges and opportunities that face us day to day?

Please submit your presentation ideas to the NLHLA executive by March 31, 2017 for consideration.  We look forward to your input!

NLHLA Executive

Shannon McAlorum, President
Kim Hancock, Vice President
Alison Farrell, Treasurer

Call for Submissions CHLA / ABSC 2017 Edmonton Alberta

On behalf of the NLHLA executive we would like to encourage our members to submit their contributions as either a presented paper, poster presentation of a lightening talk for the upcoming 2107 CHLA / ABSC conference to be held in Edmonton Alberta.  The  information regarding how to submit for work is provided below:

Call for Submissions    CHLA/ABSC 2017 Annual Conference Northern Illumination/Lumières du Nord May 16-19, 2017, Edmonton, Alberta

Veuillez prendre note que la version française fait suite au texte anglais.

The 2017 CHLA/ABSC Planning Committee invites submissions for the Annual Conference of the Canadian Health Libraries Association/Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada (CHLA/ABSC), to be held in Edmonton. The theme of the conference is “Northern Illumination/Lumières du Nord”.

The online abstract submission site is now available via the CHLA/ABSC conference website. To be considered, submissions must be received by December 1, 2016, 9:59 pm MST.

Authors are asked to rank how they would prefer to present their work: as a paper, poster, or lightning talk. Abstracts not accepted to a first choice will be considered for second and third choices.

When submitting structured abstracts, authors will note whether their abstract is a research abstract or program description abstract:

  • Research abstracts report on designing, conducting, and analyzing a research project.
  • Program Description abstracts describe the creation and improvement of products, programs, technologies, administrative practices, or services conducted by librarians and information professionals.

Refer to the FAQ page for additional information.

For more information, contact:

Janice Kung Sandy Campbell

NLHLA Executive

Shannon, Kim and Alison


Canadian Library Workers Day

Good afternoon and Happy Canadian Library Workers Day!!

 The Canadian Federation of Library Associations has proclaimed today, October 21, 2016 as Canadian Library Workers Day.

 “Canadian Library Workers Day is recognized during Canadian Library Month which is an annual celebration of libraries, library workers and the services they provide to their communities.”  Please take a moment out of your day today to express your appreciations to all of your co-workers for what they contribute to the integral services that we provide day to day for our Library users.

 Shannon, Kim, and Alison


October social is on at the Guv’nor!!

Good afternoon everyone!!

I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend and that none of us suffered any ill effects from all that rain and wind yesterday!

 If you are all turkeyed out maybe you will want to join your colleagues for some Thursday night pub grub at the Guv’nor!  Yes, the votes are in and the majority of respondents have voted for the Guv’nor so a reservation has been made for 6:00 Thursday  October 13 in the name of NLHLA.  Wish I could see you there, but have a wonderful evening!

 Kim Hancock


October Social

Well, it looks like we are on the cusp of fall so what better way to cope than having another social. We are inviting you all to meet on Thursday October 13 at 6:00 for food and conversation!

We narrowed it down to possible restaurants which are listed below with the links so that you can have a look at the menus:

  1. The St. John’s Fish Exchange
  3. The Gov-nor

Could you respond to the Survey monkey request to indicate which restaurant would be your preference?

We are asking that you RSVP by October 11,2016 so that we can make reservations.  You can send your response to me at

Many thanks!!
Kim Hancock