Following our professional development brown bag, NLHLA members submitted their “Top 5” blogs, websites & listservs for keeping up to date. Here they are, in no particular order:
Blogs & Websites:
- Annoyed Librarian
- The Anthropologist in the Stacks
- Canadian Library Association
- Closed Stacks
- Dr. Mike Evans
- iMedicalApps
- INALJ ( I Need a Library Job)
- Information Wants to Be Free
- The Informed Librarian Online
- Krafty Librarian
- Librarian Hats
- Library Babelfish
- LSE Impact Blog
- #medlibs Twitter chat (transcripts of Twitter chat)
- Mr. Library Dude
- The Outreach Librarian
- Newfoundland and Labrador Library Association
- Sam Trosow
- The Scholarly Kitchen
- The Shatzkin Files
- Weighty Matters
- alcts-eforum
- Canadian Medical Libraries List
- Electronic Resources in Libraries
- SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
If you have other suggestions, please leave a comment!