The Canadian Agency for Drugs & Technologies in Health: the role of librarians and information specialists in assessing drugs and health care devices
Presented by Sheila Tucker, Canadian Agency for Drugs & Technologies in Health.
This Agency was formerly known as the Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment (CCOHTA). Sheila gave an overview of the agency and its three component programs: the Common Drug Review (CDR) program, the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) program, adnd the Canadian Optimal Medication Prescribing and Utilization Service (COMPUS). She also outlined the role of the Liaison Officers in outreach and networking with other agencies and with librarians. She provided samples of the reports produced by the Agency. CADTH website
The Centre for Health Information: Organizational Overview, Data Sources and Services
Presented by Susan Roach, Newfoundland Centre for Health Information.
Susan gave an overview of the mission and mandate of the Centre. She highlighted efforts surrounding data quality and standards and the electronic health record. She also described the work of the Research and Evaluation Divison in maintaining provincial health databases such as Hospital, Mortality, Births, Census, and Population Estimates; in controlling provincial access to national surveys; and in publishing a variety of health reports. NLCHI website
Faculty perceptions of the information literacy of medical students
Presented by Lindsay Glynn and Sue Fahey, Health Sciences Library, Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Lindsay and Sue gave an introduction to their research into the perceptions of what students versus faculty feel they need to know at what stage in their medical career. They presented the highlights of their survey, which revealed that the two groups had widely varying opinions on the information literacy needs and skills of the students.
Newfoundland and Labrador Health and Community Services Archive and Museum – Highlighting the History of Health Services in Newfoundland and Labrador
Presented by Erin Russell, Health and Community Services Archives.
Erin described the founding of the archive and the work that it is doing in preserving the history of health services in the province. She highlighted the travelling exhibit that the Archive had done on the province’s Ministers of Health, the published book entitled “A History of Health Care in Newfoundland and Labrador”, and the oral history project. NLHCSAM website