Table of Contents
News | Meeting Summary | |
Spotlight On | Upcoming Events | |
In the News | The Spider’s Web | |
Wanted | Thank You |
Our Members
Katie Lawton, Librarian at St. Clare’s Medical Library has taken a leave of absence for one year. She is being replaced by Steven Nolan until December 31, 1999. Before working with St. Clare’s, Steven also worked at the Janeway Child Health Centre Library replacing Shaila Mensinkai for seven weeks. Steven graduated with a Masters in Library Science and Information Studies from the University of Western Ontario in April, 1998. While studying at UWO, he carried out work terms with Health Canada.
Sandra Halliday has left the Grace Medical Library to take on an exciting new position at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. Replacing Sandra is Pat Rahal, who also works at the Association of Registered Nurses Library. Pat brings with her a very rich background in academic, public, government and specialized libraries.
Karen Halliday (Sandra’s sister) has taken on a new position with the Salvation Army College for Officer Training. Karen formerly worked with the Library of the Department of Health and Community Services. She is now replaced by Heather Roberts. Heather formerly worked many years with the library of Newfoundland and Labrador Enterprise.
Kim Hancock of Western Memorial Hospital Library is expecting a baby in August. Congratulations Kim!!
David Howse, former vice-president of NLHLA and librarian with the Health Sciences Library, MUN has been replaced at the Health Sciences Library by Diane Cmor. Diane previously worked as a Librarian at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario.
Department of Health and Community Services (Nfld)
The Department of Health and Community Services Library has moved from its location on the third floor of the Confederation Building – West Block to a new and more spacious location on the first floor. This library formerly covered only materials relating to the Department of Human Resources and Employment (HRE) (formerly the Department of Social Services). With the amalgamation of HRE with the Department of Health to form the Department of Health and Community Services, the library will be adding health related materials to its collection and serving staff on both provincial and regional levels.
Many Health Libraries have been involved with accreditation of their parent organizations. Such libraries as Western Memorial Hospital Library and Addictions Services Provincial Library had direct involvement in the accreditation process. Both received positive feedback in terms of the libraries’ importance in assisting the parent organization in providing a continuum of care to patients and clients.
Advisory Council on Health Infostructure
The final report of the Advisory Council on Heath Infostructure, entitled Canada Health Infoway: Paths to Better Health was released as scheduled on February 3. Copies of the report can be down loaded from the website at in .pdf or html formats. Print copies can be obtained from:
Health Canada Publications
Postal Locator 0913A
Brooke Claxton Building
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0K9
Voice: 613-954-5995
Fax: 613-941-5366.
NLHLA Web Page
There have been several additions and changes to the NLHLA web page. Additions such as a new background (with a manuscript style), a new newsletter logo, new sections for meeting topics/highlights with selected summaries and a more prominent feedback section have been included. Visit the NLHLA website at: All comments, criticisms and suggestions are welcomed.
Last year’s meeting started with the session, Health Statistics by Shelagh Wotherspoon (Health Sciences Library, MUN). Shelagh talked about changes in the publication of health statistics and the accessibility or unaccessiblity of such information. She also gave an overview of useful tools for finding Canadian and Newfoundland health statistics.
Shaila Mensinkai (Janeway Child Health Centre, Health Care Corporation of St. John’s) gave a presentation on the Canadian Health Libraries Network which is a network addressing the information needs of professionals and consumers.
Nancy Simmons (Copyright Officer, MUN) provided a Canadian copyright update. Bill C-32 is supposed to add exemptions for libraries. However, the Bill is not yet in effect. Nancy also gave insight on how to deal with the ongoing changes, as well websites where additional information could be obtained.
Shirley Cooper compiled items for the education table.
Annual General Meeting
During the AGM, the logo for the newsletter was approved. It was decided to place the newsletter on the NLHLA website. Printed versions would only be mailed to members without Internet access. The NLHLA web page will permanently be on the St. John’s InfoNet site, where Pam Morgan will take care of maintenance. Suggestions were to add meeting highlights and a more prominent feedback section.
As a result of discussion concerning the need for an additional NLHLA meeting, members were asked to summit workshop ideas so that CHLA funding could be accessed.
A motion was passed to support in principal the development of a Provincial Consumer Health Information Service. Support would be determined by the NLHLA Executive and the Project Steering Committee.
Elected Executive for 1998-99 are: President – Shelagh Wotherspoon, Vice President – Heather Cooke, Secretary/Treasurer – Shirley Cooper.
Development of a Provincial Consumer Health Information Service
The following Librarians currently sit on a steering committee involved in a one-year pilot project for the development of a consumer health information service for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador: Linda Barnett (Health Sciences Library, Memorial University of Newfoundland), Charles Cameron (Provincial Resource Library, Provincial Information and Libraries Resources Board), Heather Cooke (Addictions Services Provincial Library, Health and Community Services-St. John’s Region), Shaila Mensinkai (Library and Information Services, Janeway Child Health Centre, Health Care Corporation of St. John’s), Heather Roberts (Department of Health and Community Services) and Sandra Halliday (Health Promotion, Heath and Community Services, St. John’s Region) until her departure for her new position at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario.
This project is being developed through the collaborative efforts of the Steering Committee for Consumer Health Information, the Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information, and the Canadian Mental Health Association. The Project is being funded primarily by Health Canada’s Health Infostructure Support Program, and the Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information. A professional Librarian will be hired to coordinate the project, which is scheduled to begin April 1, 1999. This project coordinator will see the establishment of a website of selected resources, as well the development of an electronic database and a print directory of consumer health information associations in the province. The Steering Committee will provide direction and advice to the Librarian hired to coordinate the project. Other organizations and associations will be considered as additional members to the Committee.
Permanent Home for Centre of Nursing Studies
The Centre for Nursing Studies is finally going to settle into its permanent home – Southcott Hall. The building is located on Forest Road and is part of the L.A. Miller Centre site. The Centre for Nursing Studies offers a BN Program, a Practical Nursing Program, Nurse Practitioner Program and the Department of Continuing Studies. The BN Program is an amalgamation of the three former Diploma Nursing Schools – The Grace, The General and St. Clare’s.
The main entrance for the Centre for Nursing Studies is on Forest Road. The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) will occupy the entire left wing of the ground floor. This facility will include a reading room, reference/reserve section, A/V viewing rooms, media production facility, etc. Information Services is situated directly above the Learning Resource Centre on the second floor. The larger computer lab will have the capacity to hold 30 or more computers and may be used as a teaching lab.
Along with the LRC on the main floor will be a number of classrooms. On the 2nd floor computer labs, conference rooms and nursing labs will be provided. Faculty and administration will be housed on the 9-11 floors.
If you would like to visit the LRC, Librarians Elizabeth McGrath, Debbie O’Reilly and Cathy Ryan are planning an open house for fall, 1999.
Information Rights Week
The Canadian Library Association has announced March 22-28th, 1999 to be Information Rights Week in Canada. The theme for the week is “Put People in the Picture”. This theme highlights the humanistic tradition of libraries. The purpose of the Week is to increase public awareness of information policy issues, such as the information highway, privacy and access togovernment information. To obtain a Kit for $5.00, contact the CLA Order Department, (613)232-9625, ext 310.
CLA Annual Conference
This year’s annual Canadian Library Association conference will be held on June 16 – 20th in Toronto, Ontario. The theme will focus on Facing the Challenges: A Practical Survival Guide.
Canada Book Day
Canada Book Day is April 23rd.
Canadian Health Libraries Association Annual Conference
The annual 23rd Canadian Health Libraries Association conference will be held on May 25-29th in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The theme is A Bridge to the New Millennium.
NLHLA Workshop and AGM
The 20th annual meeting and workshop for the NLHLA is being held on April 16th at Lecture D (near the cafeteria) of the Health Sciences Library, Health Sciences Complex, MUN. Tentative topics include: Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information, update on Bill C-32 concerning copyright, evaluating information on WWW and a hands on session on using web search tools to find information. Up to date information will be available in the Events section of our homepage.
Formation of Health and Community Services (Nfld.)
As of April 1, 1998, front line sectors of the Department of Human Resources and Employment (formerly Social Services) such as Child Protection Services, the Prep Centre, Community Corrections and Family and Rehabilitative Services have joined with Community Health Boards to form Health and Community Services.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
On February 18th, Health Minister Allan Rock highlighted proposals for a renewed governance structure for federally sponsored health research, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), and announced members for its Interim Governing Council. The 1999 budget allocated $240 million over the next 3 years to the CIHR, which is aimed at fostering a more integrated, multidisciplinary approach to health questions. The government will introduce legislation later this year to create the new organization, which will incorporate the existing Medical Research Council when it comes into being in 2000. For more information, see the Health Canada news release.
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Library
If you are ever looking for information in the addictions area look up the site Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs: A Guide to Information on the Internet
This list of addictions databases is put together by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Library in Toronto, Ontario. Its parent organization was formerly known as the highly acclaimed Addiction Research Foundation. Recently this organization was combined with mental health facilities to cover the areas of both addiction and mental health.
It provides links to 15 of the most widely used and recognized databases covering the addictions field. The databases are user friendly and easy to search. All provide helpful searching tips within their help functions. Also included on the web site are a variety of online addiction focused dictionaries and directories.
One of the links provided is the catalog of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Library. This catalog provides references concerning alcohol, other drugs,
gambling and related issues. The areas covered range from special populations, treatment, prevention to historical temperance. It provides access to information from Ontario, Canada and international countries. Formats included are books, journals, journal articles, research reports and government documents. Interlibrary loans can be accessed directly from the library or obtained through the Addictions Services Provinical Library at no cost.
Canadian Health Library Association
The Canadian Health Library Association has a new website. It can be accessed at
Health Sciences Library
The Health Sciences Library’s website has been expanded. To check it out, go to and click on the link “Internet Health Sites” on the left hand side.
- Ideas for the next NLHLA annual general meeting and workshop.
- Ideas for future workshops.
- Authors for future articles for the next NLHLA newsletter.
Contact any member of the executive.
Thank-you to all of you who contributed to this edition of the NLHLA newsletter. Your articles and suggestions made its publication possible.
Heather Cooke, Vice President, NLHLA.

This page was last updated on April 23, 1999.