Table of Contents
Meeting Summary
Spotlight On…
Comings and Goings
Our friend and colleague, Dave Howse left our shores this Fall for the exotic Middle East. He is working in a hospital library in Saudi Arabia. Apparently, he is enjoying the experience, and has even joined a hockey team there. We wish him all the best.
Welcome to Victoria Marshall, the recently appointed Head of Technical Services at the Health Sciences Library. She was previously Head of Acquisitions at the QEII Library. We look forward to meeting her at our next AGM and workshop.
Upcoming Workshop/AGM
The 1998 workshop/AGM has been scheduled for Friday, May 8. This year’s meeting will be held at the Centre for Nursing Studies in St. John’s. You will be receiving more details in a separate registration mailout to follow shortly. We hope to see you all there!
NLHLA Home Page
Well, we did it. The NLHLA has an official presence on the world wide web, thanks to the St. John’s Infonet, which is providing us with free space for the Association. The address is:
Everyone who has web access should go and take a look at the pages there, and let the executive know what you think, good or bad. If we don’t hear from you, we can only assume things are absolutely perfect! (and we know that’s not true … for one thing, there are no pretty pictures!)
Last year’s meeting was well attended and the executive was particularly pleased to see a couple of people from out past the overpass, in the persons of Paula Walters and Barbara Reid from the Peninsulas Health Care Corporation.
We started the day off with a session, Coping with Stress by Barb Thorburn, (Guidance Counselor, Centre for Nursing Studies). Barb not only spoke about stress and how to cope with it, but also presented some questionnaires to enable participants to examine the types of stress in their lives and how to best develop coping mechanisms for their own personal needs.
We then had a short break for refreshments and to examine items on the Education Table, courtesy of Shirley Cooper. Getting back to the sessions again, George Beckett (Associate University Librarian, Health Sciences) gave a short presentation on Resource Sharing. This covered developments in the national arena, the Health Sciences Library’s proposal to the Regional Boards for Document Delivery services, and overview of Docline and Serhold, and finished with a brief discussion on whether there was a need for printed copies of the Provincial Union List and the Health Sciences Library Audio-Visual catalogue. This was followed by our Annual General Meeting.
The Annual General Meeting approved the creation of a newsletter for the Association, based on a sample produced by the Secretary. The newsletter is to be two pages in length and issued twice a year, under the direction of the Vice-President. The name chosen for the newsletter was NLHLA Lifeline. It was also agreed to look into developing a distinctive logo for our Association.
Pam Morgan presented a sample Web page for the NLHLA that she developed, and it was decided that it would be a great idea to proceed with this. The main discussion was regarding a permanent home for the page. David Howse offered to take over maintenance of the page and to contact the St. John’s InfoNet to see if we can mount the page there. Two changes to the Constitution were passed, changing the membership year to run from May 1 to April 30, and changing the date of the meeting to be in the spring.
The Executive for 1997-98 were confirmed: President – Cathy Ryan, Vice-President – David Howse, Secretary/Treasurer – Pamela Morgan. The AGM then adjourned for lunch at a local restaurant.
Following lunch, the meeting moved to a computer lab for the final two sessions of the day. First we had a hands-on workshop on how to create a web page, presented by David Howse (Health Sciences Library). This led participants through the steps of creating a short web page from scratch, and then moved into converting an existing document into html. Participants were able to go home with their worksheets and a diskette of the exercises covered.
The final session was by Catherine Sheehan (Health Sciences Library) who introduced participants to the various free versions of Medline available on the Net, and some hints on differences in search techniques.
Centre for Nursing Studies
In 1996, the General, Grace and St. Clare’s Schools of Nursing were merged into a nursing education facility which would offer a wide range of nursing programs, including a Collaborative B.N. program, a Licensed Practical Nursing course and a Nurse Practitioner program to meet the healthcare needs of rural Newfoundland.
The Libraries of the original schools are being consolidated at the CNS. This process has been ongoing for a couple of years. It will be completed in June of this year, when the Grace and General sites close permanently.
Although there will be many duplicate items, we hope that when the merge is completed, we will have a comprehensive nursing collection. The periodicals collection is being expanded to meet the increasing need, and an updated list should soon be available on the Healthcare Corporation website. We are hoping our own Website will be operational in the near future.

This page was last updated on February 23, 1999.