Table of Contents
Elaine Deluney
The library community in Newfoundland was saddened by the death of Elaine Deluney, the head of Technical Services of Memorial’s Health Sciences Library, on October 14, 1996. Elaine was well known to those of us in the NLHLA, having served as its president, and as program co-chair for the CHLA ’95 conference. Elaine was a dedicated librarian, a valued colleague, and a great friend. She was an inspiration to us all, both personally and professionally, and she is greatly missed.
On January 23, 1997 the Dr. H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Centre officially opened the Elaine Deluney Patient and Family Library, a volunteer-staffed library serving those affected by cancer and their families. Elaine had begun work developing the library in 1994, and her husband Don Duffie helped out in developing library software. As a cancer patient herself, Elaine was able to see what was missing, and she was credited by many as the visionary behind the library. At the dedication ceremony, Elaine’s coworkers within the Memorial University Library System unveiled at painting by Clifford George (titled Kilmory After the Rain) and donated funding towards collection development.
The plaque in the library reads: “The Newfoundland Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation honours the memory of Elaine Deluney whose personal experience and professional expertise were instrumental in making this library a reality. Her colleagues, friends and family will never forget her courage and determination, nor how highly she valued imagination and knowledge.”
Katie Lawton
It’s a boy! Katie Lawton, librarian at St.Clare’s Medical Library, husband John, and daughter Rosemary welcomed a new addition to their family. Keith Martin was born on June 24, 1996. Sandra Halliday filled in while Katie was on maternity leave.
Betty Duggan
It’s never easy to say goodbye, especially to someone who’s been involved in medical librarianship for solong in this province. Betty Duggan retired from the Grace Medical Library,after 31 years of service with the Grace Hospital. Betty got her start in HealthRecords, and was instrumental in settingup the library. The Health Care Corporation of St. John’s held a reception in her honour on March 26. Sandra Halliday is now working part-time at that library.
Web Page
The NLHLA announces that is has begun development of a Web Page. It contains:
- who we are and what we do
- the history of the organization
- a list of the past presidents
- a contact list for the current executive
- a list of upcoming events
- a summary of last year’s workshop
- minutes from last years AGM
- membership information
- once we get going, a copy of past newsletters
- links to other library associations
However we are in need of a site to mount the files.
Newsletter Ideas
Name this newsletter. We are looking for an interesting name to call out newsletter, since NLHLA Newsletter sounds so dull. What ideas do you have … pulse, lifeline, heartbeat, contact … send us your ideas and we’ll have a vote.
Also for the newsletter, topics for features and columns. Ideas so far include:
- The Spider’s Web
web sites to check out - News
small news bits of personal or library interest - Spotlight on …
an intro to and overview of health libraries
around the province - Wanted ….
want ads of a library/association nature - Feature article
an article on a topic of interest or a summary of the speakers at the workshop for those who were unable to attend
Authors are also wanted. Volunteer to write an item for the newsletter, either on a one-time basis, or handle a particular column.
Remember that suggestion long ago that the association should have a
logo? Well we’re still looking for one. Send your ideas along.
Workshop Ideas
We are looking forsuggestions for a workshop. CHLA makes funding available for such things, so if there’s a topic you’d like to get some ‘expert’ input on, let us know and we’ll try and get something on the go.
News Items
Finally, submit any bits of news that might be of interest. With a spread out membership, we are dependent upon you to inform us of what’s going on in your area. Staff changed at your library? Got that internet access at long last? Set up a web page? Added a new software package or service? Changed a library policy that others ought to know about? Found a web page that everyone has simply got to check out? Added a family member? Any and all news welcome!
Dr Felix’s Free MEDLINE Page
Check out this web site:
Dr Felix’s Free MEDLINE PAGE contains links to web sites where you can search Medline for free.

This page was last updated on February 23, 1999.