May 4, 2007
Lions Club (beside Waterford Hospital)
Present: Annette Anthony, Linda Barnett, Sue Fahey, Alison Farrell, Debra Kearsey, Pamela Morgan, Debbie O’Reilly, Jordon Pike, Barbara Reid, Heather Roberts, Cathy Ryan, Mary Varghese, Shelagh Wotherspoon
1. Agenda
There were no changes or additions to the agenda.
2. 2006 AGM Minutes
Correction under Roundtable, section 8.b, to read “The St. Clare’s library is now administratively under the Eastern Health Corporate Strategy and Research section.” With that correction, the minutes were approved (Moved by D. O’Reilly, seconded by B. Reid).
3. Business arising
a. Social Events
There was discussion about possible social events for coming year. S. Fahey volunteered the organization of a curling event for the fall, with a ballpark
estimate of $10.00 per person for rental of ice sheets. This was met with general approval.
4. President’s Report
A. Farrell distributed copies of the CHLA Chapter report summarizing activities.
Two key items were the use of a $500.00 Chapter Initiative Grant from CHLA for the
co-sponsorship of a Research Fair at Memorial University, and the increased membership price.
5. Secretary / Treasurer’s Report
There was no secretary business to report. L. Barnett distributed copies of the Treasurer’s report (appended). The membership numbers have remained stable (22). Account balance is healthy at $1647.65, and the higher costs for annual AGM has been offset by the increased membership fee.
6. New business
a. NLLA Interest Group
A. Farrell and L. Barnett met earlier in the year with Dan Duda, President of NLLA, to consider the relationship between it and the NLHLA. Low membership, limits on time and funds, and involvement of library staff outside of St. Johns, are all of concern to both organizations. An email listing some options for future relationship (appended), including an interest group, was distributed prior to this meeting. NLLA membership is $20 plus additional for its annual conference. Discussion ensued. It was suggested some of the science libraries, e.g CISTI, might provide additional members. Comments supported collaborating when possible with NLLA for shared workshops or other joint events. Timing AGM back to back with the NLLA conference was seen as worth exploring. Members felt the research fair had been excellent and additional inservice training or workshops would be good – the Cochrane Centre and the National Health Literacy initiative were suggested as source of people willing to come at minimal cost. Another suggestion was to check with the other CHLA chapters as to what workshops or speakers they have used. Comments from members spoke to the benefits of remaining separate from NLLA. A vote approved the continuation of NLHLA as it is.
b. Volunteers for CLA
H. Roberts provided additional information about volunteering for the upcoming CLA/APLA/NLLA National Conference, May 23-26. Anyone interested can also contact A. Farrell or Heather Pretty at Memorial University Libraries.
7. Round Table Updates
a. H. Roberts – Her filer retired and position transferred to another division. The library space moved to the 3rd floor with an open area. She has new duties and responsibilities including policies. No longer dealing with the Av material.
b. A. Anthony – Had a baby (Kyle Phillip Anthony) and is presently on maternity leave. DFO won a national award for its OPAC.
c. D. Kearsey – Still in limbo about re-structuring. A working group (including Wanda Legg, George Beckett, Wayne Miller) are seeking a consultant to review library services, what exists, how to enhance, needs of stakeholders, etc. An rfp has gone out with target of July/August. M. Brake is retiring.
d. J. Pike – Started in November. Presently working on a web portal for the library, and Pam’s list of serials. The Information Kiosk maintenance is supposed to be taken over by Volunteer Services.
e. D. O’Reilly / C. Ryan – consolidation will happen but not sure of much else at this stage. Have tentative approval to upgrade their computers.
f. P. Morgan – CNS catalogue list of titles has been compared to MUN holdings. Serial title holdings for union list have been updated for all participating hospital libraries except St. Clares and Goose Bay.
g. L. Barnett – Library has added new resources including Embase, RefWorks, E-Therapeutics and Canadian Health Research Collection. Cancelled MDConsult except for NLHKIN. Now have a single search option on home page for searching across multiple databases., and resolver “Get-it-at” feature. Upgraded public computers and added wheelchair access door to the library. Have started search for new MUN university librarian.
h. S. Fahey – NLHKIN website will be adding captivate instruction tutorials, target this fall.
i. M. Varghese – Occupational Health library has moved to Dept. of Labour Services building in Donovan’s Industrial Park. Its registry is also now combined and kept in an enclosed locked access area.
j. B. Reid – Burin and Clarenville libraries have been weeded and moved to a temporary building. Spending about 20-25% of her time in the library.
8. Elections
Elected by acclamation for 2007/08 were: Debra Kearsey as President, Debbie O’Reilly as Vice President/President Elect, and Linda Barnett as Secretary/Treasurer.
9. Any Other Business
There was none.
10. Adjournment
Adjournment was moved by S. Fahey and seconded by B. Reid.
A. Email distributed by A. Farrell for discussion at NLHLA AGM.
With lack of funding and time support from institutions, many librarians do not have
the resources to attend more than one day/workshop/conference a year. This limits
opportunities to come together with fellow professionals to share experiences,
projects, and contacts. In addition, the number of potential members for provincial
library associations is small. Neither NLHLA, nor NLLA want to compete for members.
In light of this, there has been some discussion on whether or not NLHLA should join
with NLLA in some sort of partnership. There are a number of options that we could
consider. The following are some options that have been voiced:
- NLHLA stays as is.
- NLHLA and NLLA make an agreement whereby if you are a member of one,
you automatically get membership in the other. This may mean some additional cost.
- NLHLA becomes an interest group of NLLA while maintaining the Executive and
AGM and therefore chapter status with CHLA This may mean some additional cost. - NLHLA becomes an interest group of NLLA and gives up the Executive and AGM and therefore forfeits chapter status with CHLA.These options are just what have been thought of by Linda Barnett, Alison Farrell, and Dan Duda, incoming president of NLLA. Other options are welcome for discussion. This issue will be placed on the NLHLA AGM agenda for discussion. Please think about the direction you feel the chapter should take and bring your ideas to the meeting.