4 May 2006
INCO Centre
The NLHLA annual general meeting commenced at 3:30 pm on May 4, 2006 in the Board Room of the INCO Centre.
Present: Annette Anthony, Linda Barnett, George Beckett, Heather Cooke, Sue Fahey, Barbara Hamlyn, Debra Kearsey, Pam Morgan, Debbie O’Reilly, Susan Prior, Alison Reid, Heather Roberts, Cathy Ryan, Mary Varghese, Shelagh Wotherspoon.
1. Agenda
There were no additions to the agenda. It was approved by A. Anthony and S. Fahey.
2. 2005 AGM Minutes
The 2005 minutes were approved. Moved by D. Kearsey.
3. Business Arising
a. Newsletter
Volunteer for editor? The newsletter and duties of the editor was discussed. The question of whether the newsletter was valuable to the membership was addressed. It was suggested that the newsletter is not necessary and that if anything comes up, it can be posted to the list serve. S. Wotherspoon moved to discontinue the newsletter. This was seconded by A. Anthony. A vote was unanimously in favour of dissolving the newsletter.
b. Poster Sessions
The poster sessions were received with enthusiasm. It was decided that they would be continued for next year. People were asked to think about and consider submitting a poster for the conference for next year.
4. President’s Report
H. Roberts presented her oral report, and will submit written report to CHLA as the Chapter Report. H. Roberts reported that this was the only event. She thanked A. Reid, P. Morgan, and B. Reid. She also thanked those members who post to the list serve. She mentioned that she is concerned about some of the health libraries in the province. The Workpace Health and Safety Commission library has closed. The librarian for the Nurses’ association is gone and they are acquiring no new material. The report was accepted as presented.
5. Secretary’s Report
There was no secretary’s report.
6. Treasurer’s Report
There is a high balance in the account right now due to the CHLA conference held in St. John’s in 2004. This money is earmarked for Continuing Education. Right now, the membership fees are too low to cover the costs of the Annual General Meeting and any other fees the Association is supposed to be paying (President’s membership in CHLA, CHLA conference chapter gift, workshop coffee break). It was suggested that the membership fees be raised. P. Morgan suggested the fees be raised to $20 for next year. The other option would be to charge for the conference. Right now, the rule is that the conference is free for members. Non-members may come to one session free of charge, but if they wish to come to more sessions, they must become a member. There was some discussion and G. Beckett moved that the membership fees be increased to $20/year. D. O’Reilly seconded and the vote was unanimous.
7. New Business
a. Membership
The question of membership was brought up. Is everyone paid up? How can we get new members? Perhaps Sheila Tucker from the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health would like to join. A few other people from other hospital libraries were named. The question was asked “why would people from out of town want to join?” Someone suggested looking for new members from the HSL contact list. It was suggested that we could do some video streaming if the conferences were held at MUN.
b. CLA Conference
It is going to be here next year. A. Anthony is the liaison for CLA/NLLA. NLLA has asked CLA what they want them to do. CLA is dealing with APLA and says not to worry about it. They have a different organizational model. NLLA is stepping back. CLA is organizing the conference.
8. Roundtable
a. A. Anthony – DFO library acquired an image/mouse (+). This allows them to turn microfilm/fiche into PDFs.
b. D. Kearsey – Jamie Jarrett is leaving St. Clare’s and going to Saskatchewan in the middle of May. The St. Clare’s library is now Eastern Health Corporate Strategy and Research. The catalogue is just about complete for the books and they are starting to input journals now.
c. H. Roberts – They have new carpet. As an initiative of the government office, the chief information officer has taken over IT/IM, but the library did not go to the Office of the Chief Information Officer.
d. H. Cooke – They have some new programs and are very busy reevaluating the collection. They have some new money, but are not yet sure if some of it will be going to the library.
e. S. Prior – College of the North Atlantic has a new paramedic program.
f. D. O’Reilly – The future of CNS is unsure. They are doing some surveys of the faculty and staff and are doing some needs assessments of library programs.
g. M. Varghese – Occupational Health and Safety library has moved to Donovan’s Industrial Park.
h. G. Beckett – Rosemarie Murphy passed away this year. There was a switch to EBSCO for CINAHL for NLHKIN. EBSCO has a visual search component. The HSL has some new and updated Camtasia videos. The HSL is still working on renovations.
i. P. Morgan – The HSL is doing an update of serial holdings. If we don’t get updated holdings from the hospitals, all the records will be pulled.
9. Elections
Elections were held and positions were won by acclamation
- Alison Reid is the President for 2006/2007
- Debra Kearsey is the Vice President/President elect for 2006/2007
- Linda Barnett is the Secretary/Treasurer for 2006/2007
10. AOB
a. Social Events
There was some discussion on having activities as an association. S. Fahey will plan a curling event for sometime before Christmas. There should also be a social event planned for after Christmas.
b. Continuing Education
Members would like a CE session on health statistics. A. Reid will look into this.
11. Adjournment
H. Roberts adjourned the meeting at 4:20 pm.

This page was last updated on July 7, 2006.