22 April 2005
Health Sciences Library
The NLHLA annual general meeting commenced at 3:30 pm on April 22, 2005 in the Conference Room, Health Sciences Library.
Present: Annette Anthony, George Beckett, Linda Barnett, Sue Fahey (Chair), Lindsay Glynn, Brenda Haines, Jamie Jarrett, Debra Kearsey, Pam Morgan, Rosemarie Murphy, Debbie O’Reilly, Alison Reid, Barbara Reid, Cathy Ryan, Mary Varghese, Shelagh Wotherspoon
Regrets: Heather Roberts
1. Agenda
There were no additions to the agenda.
2. 2004 AGM Minutes
The 2004 minutes were approved.
3. Business Arising
a. We still have not gotten a new issue of the newsletter published. The executive will examine this and make a recommendation on the publishing of future issues. It was suggested that we seek some volunteers this year who will be regular columnists for the newsletter.b. There was some discussion of possibilties for CE programming for the membership. There is a grant available from CHLA, but not enough to wholly bring someone in. The grant monies cannot be used to fund NLHLA members to attend a CE session, if we have a local person gve a course. We also have the monies received from the CHLA conference. It was agreed to use this money to host a CE day in the Fall.
4. President’s Report
Sue presented her President’s Report, which was submitted to the CHLA as the Chapter Report for the year. The report was accepted as presented.
5. Secretary/Treasurer’s Report
The Secretary/Treasurer’s report adopted. The CHLA conference doubled the amount of money in the account, leaving us in good shape. Membership is down to 15.
6. New Business
a. Sponsored Lunch
This was the first year that the NLHLA had a sponsor for lunch. Ovid has indicated that they would be interested in doing this again next year. There was some discussion on the presentation/lunch. Comments were generally positive and it was agreed that Ovid should be invited back next year.
b. Poster Sessions
The executive noted that all the presentations this year were given by librarians at the Health Sciences Library. As a way to encourage others to participate in the presentations, it was suggested that we try Poster Sessions next year. People who do not feel comforatable speaking or who only have a small project that they do not feel worthy of a presentation could then share their projects with the group. Poster Sessions are offered at several other conferences. It was agreed that this would be a good thing to try.
c. Round table update on activities
Report unavailable.
- President – Heather Roberts
- Vice President/President Elect – Alison Reid
- Secretary – Barbara Reid
- Treasurer – Pam Morgan
Adjournment:The meeting adjourned at 4:00 pm.
Note: the original minutes were lost. These minutes are reconstructed as best as the executive was able.