03 June 2004
Health Sciences Library
The NLHLA annual general meeting commenced at 1:00 pm on June 3, 2004 in the Conference Room, Health Sciences Library.
Present: George Beckett, Linda Barnett, Heather Cooke, Sue Fahey (Chair), Lindsay Glynn, Kim Hancock (by telephone) Debra Kearsey, Rosemarie Murphy, Jessica O’Neill, Shelagh Wotherspoon
Regrets: Annette Anthony, Pam Morgan, Debbie O’Reilly, Heather Roberts, Cathy Ryan
1. Agenda
There were no additions to the agenda.
2. 2003 AGM Minutes
Moved by George Beckett, seconded by Linda Barnett that the minutes be adopted. CARRIED.
3. Business Arising
a. Shelagh Wotherspoon suggested that the names of those present be recorded in future minutes.
b. Heather Cooke asked if a newsletter had been produced in the past year. No.
c. Shelagh Wotherspoon asked if other chapters had been contacted re CE ideas. George Beckett did not think so. The newsletter is of great importance to NLHLA and its members. It is imperative that the executive committee, with VP as editor, work with the membership to get a fall newsletter published.
4. President’s Report
The President’s report was unavailable.
Sue Fahey reported that the major activity for the past year had been the planning of
the CHLA/ABSC 2004 conference here. She has sent a NLHLA report to CHLA.
5. Secretary/Treasurer’s Report
The Secretary/Treasurer’s report was circulated by email.
It was moved by Heather Cooke and seconded by Jessica O’Neill that the
Secretary/Treasurer’s report be adopted. George Beckett encouraged people to pay
their membership dues. To date only 4 people have paid their membership fees.
6. New Business
a. Motion to amend the constitution
It was moved by Linda Barnett and seconded by Debra Kearsey that the constitution be
amended as follows:
Business of the Association shall be conducted and managed by an Executive Committee consisting of the following:
- President
- Vice-President
- Secretary/Treasurer (This position may be split into 2 positions).
The change is indicated in bold.
Linda explained that this amendment makes it possible for an out of town member to be secretary. To simplify banking, the treasurer should be a member in St. John’s.
b. CHLA update
George Beckett thanked everyone for their hard work in planning the CHLA/ABSC 2004 conference. Feedback has been very positive. People still consider the 1995 conference, which NLHLA also hosted, one of the best. It looks like this year’s conference will also be a success economically.
c. Round table/update on activities
- Addictions Services Provincial Library (Heather Cooke)
- Library is open again. It was closed twice during the past year.
- Additional funding was received from gambling revenue which doubled the collections budget.
- Regions are now divided into zones
- Library has been downsized in terms of physical space
- Part-time clerical position has been established
- Major weed of the collection is in progress.
- Health Care Corporation of St. John’s (Jessica O’Neill/Debra Kearsey)
- Full time library clerk position has been filled by Linda Williams who works 3 days with Debra and two days with Jessica
- The new Library Web Services page is available at http://www.hccsj.nl.ca/library/index.htm.
- The OPAC will be available by the end of the summer and officially launched in October which Medical Libraries month.
- No longer use Ariel
- Training for staff and evidence-based practice are important topics
- Health Sciences Library (George Beckett/Linda Barnett)
- Space/redesign project is underway
- NLHKIN and MUN users now have access to the EBSCO fulltext health databases until the end of December 2004. Additional funding will be needed to support this package
- Access to MEDLINE via WebSPIRS will be terminated at the end of December 2003. PubMed will be used instead.
- The Association of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador (ARNNL) Library closed earlier this year. The HSL has added some materials from that collection.
- Western Memorial Regional Hospital (Kim Hancock)
- A new library has been set up in Stephenville. It is not staffed.
- Improvements have been made to the Corner Brook site. There are now 25 computers in the library
- Kim will visit each site in October (Medical Libraries month)
- NLHKIN (Sue Fahey)
- Links to the 4 EBSCO fulltext databases have been added to the website.
- President – Sue Fahey
- Vice President/President Elect – Heather Roberts
- Secretary – Barbara Reid
- Treasurer – Pam Morgan
New Business:
Linda Barnett is willing to do a session on the LinkOut feature in PubMed.
Since PubMed will be the major interface for searching MEDLINE, it was agreed that a session on searching PubMed would be useful.
Shelagh Wotherspoon reminded the group that it is possible to apply for funding (Chapter Initiatives Fund) from CHLA.
Sue Fahey will contact other CHLA chapters re their CE activities.
Moved by Linda Barnett, seconded by Shelagh Wotherspoon that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 1:45 pm.
Recorded by Shelagh Wotherspoon