12 May 2003
Emerald Palace
1. Agenda
Agenda for the meeting was passed.
2. 2002 AGM Minutes
Motion to accept the 2002 AGM Minutes by L. Barnett. Seconded by P. Morgan. Approved.
3. Business Arising
The newsletter is of great importance to NLHLA and its members. It is imperative that the executive committee, with VP as editor, work with the membership to get a fall newsletter published.
4. President’s Report
G. Beckett had a double term as president because S. Green-Dowden left the province for work.
The MeSH workshop was well received.
There was a poor response for newsletter submissions from the membership. The membership must become more involved and asked for it to put forth new ideas. (H. Roberts asked if we could get CE ideas from other chapters; executive will inquire)
G. Beckett stated database training; Docline, etc. are possible topics. It is easier for other places to access speakers; we are inhibited geographically and thus financially from getting speakers in. (L. Barnett suggested that the link out feature in PubMed might be an interesting CE topic)
5. Secretary/Treasurer’s Report
There is a significant decrease in membership. Asked that all current members try
to recruit others for membership. An email should be sent to all hospital libraries/information centres in the province. A financial statement (handed out) showed a healthy and stable bank balance.
6. New Business
The CHLA 2004 plans are progressing smoothly.
Chapter activities – suggested were PubMed. Other ideas were solicited and members
were encouraged to send along any new ideas.
Updates from members:
Health Care Corporation of St. John’s (D. Kearsey/J. O’Neill)
- Jessica O’Neill recently joined the team as librarian.
- They are developing a new web page.
- The new OPAC, Bibliomondo, was implemented.
- Ariel may now be used between offices.
- Docline was updated with their new system.
Health and Community Services (H. Roberts)
- Library Week coffee break was held at Confederation Building.
- She is working on a web site to get their OPAC on the web.
Health Sciences Library (P. Morgan/R. Murphy/G. Beckett/L. Barnett/K. Lawton/S. Fahey)
- P. Morgan is back at MUN after a two year leave at CISTI.
She is in public services at the HSL. - The official launch of the new OPAC and web page will take place at APLA 2003.
- NLHKIN membership is growing.
- New campus card due to problems with the old card system. Its features include money
transfer to the card (with receipt option), Memorial ID, Library Card. Non-Memorial
clientele and Visitors can buy a generic card for copying/printing. - Centralized acquisition and cataloguing services now with the main campus.
- Document delivery was upgraded to the newest version of Relais.
- Changes have been made to the authorization process for restricted resources
so that PINs can now be issued to our non-Memorial clientele.
Centre for Nursing Studies (D. O’Reilly)
- Semester is winding down.
- Still waiting for Ariel.
- Working with NLHKIN.
Department of Fisheries and Oceans (A. Anthony)
- A new internal web page was developed
- The circulation system is being upgraded.
- President – Debbie O’Reilly
- Vice President/President Elect – Sue Fahey
- Secretary/Treasurer – Annette Anthony
Meeting was adjourned at 3:30.