May 2, 2002
1. Welcome:
G. Beckett welcomed members. Twelve members attended.
2. Agenda:
8.5 was added to the agenda by G. Beckett – Elections.
3. Minutes of the 2001 Annual General Meeting:
A. Anthony moved approval of the minutes. G. Beckett seconded. Motion Passed.
4. Business Arising from 2001 AGM Minutes:
5. President’s Report:
G. Beckett presented his report on the focus group for CHLA. There was a positive response from those in attendance and from the CHLA.
Welcomed Ann McGibbon. Provided information on the $1500 grant received from the CHLA development fund for McGibbon’s presentation.
Stephen Green-Dowden (VP) had to move to Alberta for job opportunity thus leaving the VP position vacant. Asked the membership to provide more feedback and contributions to the newsletters.
Stated that there needs to be more activity amongst the membership.
6. Treasurer’s/Secretary Report:
See attached. [Note: Not available on the website.]
7. New Business:
a. CHLA/ABSC 2002 Annual Conference Update:
Will be held in St. John’s in June 2004. Members and volunteers will have to look closely at how they want the conference organized.
b. Topics for 2002/03 Activities:
More feedback is required from the membership if the association is to provide activities.
c. Round Table Update on Activities:
B. Reid – Peninsulas Health Care Corporation – renovations were finished in June 2001. Less library duties now. Hoping to get a database up by the summer.
K. Donnelly – she is now working an extra hour per day; 12- 4 starting in September at ARNNL. She is doing some archive work during the summer.
P. Morgan – on leave to CISTI. She has set up the e-journal full-text server there. Loaded all of Elsevier’s journals onto it and currently loading all of NRC Research Press onto it. Other publishers to be added in the future. Expected to eventually replace ScienceDirect.
S. Fahey/L. Barnett – Health Sciences Library, MUN. They are taking another look at the interface for the databases. Participating in PubMed trial. Looking at its local holdings. Many BI sessions there with much participation. WebCT – interactive instruction programs. E-journal access to Wiley journals.
G. Beckett – many medical schools are going over to e-journals from paper. Growing trend across Canada. NLHKN – new membership joining. Looking at increasing full text in journals.
D. Kearsey – CNS, HCCSJ. Ariel coming soon there. OPAC going online. Interviewing for a new position.
C. Ryan/D. O’Reilly – CNS, HCCSJ. Elizabeth McGrath retired.
A. Anthony – recently appointed Regional Librarian at Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s St. John’s Library.
8. Any Other Business:
Membership interested in another e-journal session.
8.5. Elections:
- Annette Anthony – Secretary/Treasurer
- Debbie O’Reilly – VP/President Elect
- George Beckett – President.9. Adjournment:
Adjournment moved by A. Anthony.

This page was last updated on October 2, 2002.