The Annual General Meeting commenced in Conference Room A in the West Block of the Confederation Building at 1:30, April 20, 2001 with 16 people members attending. The workshops that day were attended by 16 people.
1. Adoption of Minutes:
It was moved by D. O’Reilly and seconded by S. Nolan that the minutes of the 2000 Annual General Meeting be adopted. CARRIED.
2. Treasurer’s Report:
It was moved by G. Beckett and seconded by S. Nolan that the Treasurer’s Report be adopted as presented. CARRIED.
H. Roberts read the Treasurer’s Report.
3. Business Arising:
(a) NLHLA Logo: discussion on how to produce a camera ready version that could be used on letterhead, reports, etc. It was decided to double check with Annette Anthony concerning this matter.
(b) Newsletter: it was decided that the newsletter would be mounted on the NLHLA web site. A special “Thank-you” went out to Steve Nolan for his article and to George Beckett for getting the newsletter printed.
(c) Workshops: NLHLA is in the black so the association could use some of its money to create a workshop, i.e. Book Restoration. It was also suggested that the extra NLHLA money could be used to help transport out-of-town members into St. John’s for the annual conference. During the discussion, it was suggested that we could write a proposal to CHLA/ABSC for monies (the CHLA/ABSC Development Fund) to bring in a guest speaker at the national level.
(d) Docline: the discussion centered on member interest in holding a Docline workshop. G. Beckett thought that it could be held using local talent instead of bringing in someone from outside of St. John’s. There was a general show of interest, and it was suggested that it should be kept separate from the conference.
(e) Chapter Gift: $25 was decided for the amount of the chapter gift, but the type of gift was left undecided.
4. New Business:
(a) H. Roberts suggested that St. John’s should host a CHLA/ABSC conference in the future. G. Beckett informed the membership that the CHLA/ABSC is looking for places to hold their annual conference and that the earliest that St. John’s could hold it would be 2005. There was a general interest in planning and holding the 05 conference among the membership.
(b) Round Table:
- D. Kearsey reported that the Library at the Waterford Hospital is undergoing a restructuring process during this time of transition.
- P. Rahal also reported that St. Clare’s Hospital Library has been in a transition period for the last year. This will continue through 2001. Relevant areas of the Grace Hospital Library collection have been incorporated into the collection at St. Clare’s, and additional relevant material will be forthcoming from the Janeway Hospital Library upon its closure. The HCCSJ Libraries have tendered for a integrated library package, and are waiting to hear if the purchase has been approved. This will provide us with an integrated online
catalogue. St. Clare’s has also increased the number of subscriptions which it receives to support the programs offered at the hospital, and we plan to revise our Serials Holding list in 2001/2. Electronic resources are having an increasing impact on our collections and services. In 2002/2001 we implemented DOCLINE for our Document Delivery, and are awaiting the final installation of ARIEL software to expedite this service. Shaila Mensinkai is on a year’s leave of absence from the Corporation. Pat Rahal is filling her position at St. Clare’s for this period. - S. Nolan reported that during his five months at the Addictions Library he tried to develop the collection despite budget cuts.
- H. Roberts reported that she is hoping to get an actual budget for the Resource Centre.
- H. Cooke reports that she is now back at the Addictions Library and hopes to get the money back that was taken from her budget.
- C. Donnelly reports that she is trying to figure out her budget, and since she is new to her position is on a learning curve.
- B. Whelan reported that she provides consumer health information via the Web, and is in the process of updating Web information. She would also like to do something different like consumer assisted information access. Bonnie wants to organize the small library.
- B. Reid reported that Peninsulas Health Care Corp has 7 sites from Bonavista to Grand Bank. 6 of these sites are now up and running with NLHKIN, and she is in the process of setting up more training sessions at all sites. We recently completed renovations to the Dr. G.B. Cross Memorial Hospital Library in Clarenville thanks to a donation. The library was expanded, some new furniture and shelving purchased, and the addition of two computers. She is also in the process of moving back into the library and awaiting the journal shelving units. Her main challenge in the position is providing a complete service for all sites along with her other non-library related duties; she is also responsible for offering software application sessions throughout the region, with a small and outdated collection.
- G. Beckett reported that Pam Morgan has taken a two year leave of absence to go to CISTI. Due to the changes in the Relais system, documents may not be processed at MUN, but at another university, and patrons will have to pay their processing fees. The Health Sciences library is moving away from paper journals in favor of electronic ones.
- J. Fraser reported that the CONA Libraries will be automated this year through an ILS (the vendor is SIRSI) and that the new online union catalogue should facilitate inter-library loans to NLHLA Libraries. Also that she designed the new Library that will serve the existing PPD campus, and also the TRC campus when it re-locates to the main campus in 2002.
- R. Murphy reported that she was involved in the Janeway move, and that she is also involved in the ongoing ejournal registration and updating the HSL webpages.
- S. Green-Dowden reported that he has updated and weeded the TRC Library for the new ILS system and the eventual move to the main campus.
- D. O’Reilly and C. Ryan reported that the Centre for Nursing Studies is joining the NLHKIN network to provide improved local and remote access to health databases for out faculty and students. They have ordered ARIEL ILL software to upgrade their interlibrary loan services. They have future plans to join Docline.
5. Elections of Officers:
H. Roberts reported that S. Green-Dowden of CONA has agreed to stand for the nomination of Vice-President elect, G. Beckett automatically becomes President, and A. Anthony will complete the second year of her two-year term. Since there was no other nominations for Vice-President, it was moved by P. Rahal and seconded by S. Nolan that the executive slate be accepted as presented. CARRIED. H. Roberts becomes Past-President.
The new executive for 2000-2001 is:
Past-President: Heather Roberts
President: George Beckett
Vice-President/President-Elect: Stephen Green-Dowden
Secretary/Treasurer: Annette Anthony (second year of a two-year term)
6. Adjournment:
It was moved by B. Reid and seconded by S. Nolan that the meeting adjourn. CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 2:30pm.

This page was last updated on May 23, 2001.