The Annual General Meeting commenced in Conference Room B in the West Block of the Confederation Building at 2:15 pm, April 28, 2000 with 14 members attending. The workshop that day had been attended by 15 people.
1. Adoption of Minutes
It was moved by C. Ryan and seconded by P. Rahal that the minutes of the 1999 Annual General Meeting be adopted. CARRIED.
2. Treasurer’s Report
It was moved by D. O’Reilly and seconded by D. Kearsey that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted as presented. CARRIED.
3. Business Arising
a. Logo
H. Cooke will get in touch with B. Reid regarding the camera-ready image. A discussion followed about where we would use the logo – such as letterhead and general executive business. Our camera-ready image should be importable to whereever needed.
b. Newsletter
H. Cooke thanked P. Morgan for her continued help with the newsletter, as well as the Web Page. Thanks was also extended to H. Roberts, who as Vice-President has the responsibility for the newsletter. Appreciation was expressed for all those who contributed to the newsletter in the past year.
H. Cooke also said that any articles/items/ideas for the next issue would be gratefully accepted.
c. Workshops
Members were reminded that CHLA/ABSC funding opportunities exist. H. Cooke read a letter from CHLA/ABSC regarding funding for research projects to encourage chapter development. Joint meetings/workshops with other library and health organizations were also discussed. Although the possibly of a joint meeting/workshop with NLLA was suggested last year, H. Cooke said it was not possible since none of the NLHLA executive would be in the city on that date.
Topics suggested:
- Book restoration
- Addiction – family involvement, in-depth resources
- DocLine
- Electronic text and e-journals
- Role of the librarian in searching and evaluating Internet research
- Web Page development and digitalization, including software options for transportation of Internet documents to files.
- Founder’s Archives in the Health Sciences Library, MUN
- Records Management
It was mentioned that APLA has a session on digitalization at their conference this year, and that it may be possible to bring their speaker in.
4. New Business
a. Round Table
- H. Cooke reported that ASPL will have some changes due to restructuring. Its special library status may change, but its user group will remain the same.
- H.Roberts reported that the Health & Community Services Resource Centre shrunk in size with the move because the Department of Health needs lots of space for the ongoing changes it is experiencing.
- D. Kearsey of the Waterford Hospital Library said that she’s seeing lots of changes, but doesn’t yet know where they’re leading.
- P. Rahal said the Grace Library is closing and most of the materials will be moved to the St. Clare’s site. The ARNN has had no changes. She is working on the archives, as well as weeding and dividing the collection to meet the current needs of ARNN.
- S. Nolan said that the St. Clare’s Library will be getting some materials from the Grace and Janeway sites soon.
- E. Fewer of the Library Services in the Central Newfoundland Regional Health Centre reports lots of changes from being a basically hospital library to becoming a satellite library for the region. They are also looking at NLHKN.
- S. Cooper of the HSL reported that changes to technology (i.e. interactive media/computer programs) have diminished the need for the traditional forms of AV. Also the distant education and nursing sites have purchased their own copies of AV materials which they normally use frequently.
- R. Murphy of the HSL said she would soon be finishing the list of the Janeway collection, and then it has to be determined what materials are to be kept. Also she is working on the e-journal and free full text access list and adding them to the library’s web pages.
- P. Morgan of the HSL discussed the new document delivery computer software being tested in the HSL. She also touched on NLHKN and its problems concerning sharing of data. She spoke about what was going on presently with Document Delivery and the Ariel Software, as well as the fact the among the Atlantic provinces, UNB, Dalhousie and Memorial are now part of the University East Coast Relais Consortium.
- C. Ryan of the Centre for Nursing Studies Learning Resource Centre said that they survived the move to the Miller Centre (Southcott Hall) last year. They are in process of adding full library services for other users at the Miller Centre site.
- D. O’Reilly, of the Centre for Nursing Studies Learning Resource Centre, takes care of the computer labs and ILLO. She said that this area has really grown, and that they don’t need to go outside so much now for materials.
- A. Anthony is new to the Medical Library at the College for the North Atlantic Topsail Road Campus. She is using the DSP site to increase government document access.
- L. Barnett of the HSL reported that there is a computer lab in the library shared with HSIMS. They are currently running test simulations for LMCC’s. She also discussed the Founder’s Archives, and the Atlantic Scholarship Information Network reciprocal borrowing and ILLO privileges. The HSL is offering, on a one-year trial basis, free librarian-mediated computer searches on health databases to faculty and staff of the Faculty of Medicine, MUN School of Nursing, School of Pharmacy, and the Health Care Corporation’s health professional staff at the HSC site. In the longer term, the library is looking at joint programs, courses and materials collection.
The CHLA/ABSC Conference is being held jointly with the MLS in Vancouver, BC on May 5-11,2000.
The Chapter Gift for CHLA was the discussed. It was moved by C. Ryan and seconded by D. O’Reilly that the NLHLA spend approximately $20 for a gift for the CHLA conference. CARRIED. S.Cooper will arrange for G.Beckett to present it.
c. Other Conferences
- The NLLA meeting and workshop will be held May 5-6, 2000 in St. John’s, NF
- APLA workshop and conference will be held May 25-28, 2000 in Antigonish, NS
- Eastern Horizons (Canadian Children’s Literature) will be held in St. John’s, NF from Oct. 19 – 22, 2000
- Access to Y2K will be held in St. John’s , NF from Sept. 21-23, 2000
P. Morgan said that she has put the conference list on NLHLA’s web page.
5. Election of Officers
S. Cooper reported that G. Beckett of the HSL has agree to stand for the nomination of Vice-President/President elect, H. Roberts has agreed to stand as President, and A. Anthony has agreed to stand for the two year term of Secretary-Treasurer. Since there were no other nominations, it was moved by P. Rahal and seconded by C. Ryan that the executive slate be accepted as presented. CARRIED. H. Cooke becomes Past-President.
The new executive for 2000/2001 was declared as:
Past-President: Heather Cooke
President: Heather Roberts
Vice-President/President-Elect : George Beckett
Secretary/Treasurer: Annette Anthony (first year of two-year term)
6. Adjournment
Before adjournment, H. Roberts asked if having lunch in was OK by everyone next year, and everyone agreed it was a good idea.
It was moved by P. Morgan and seconded by S. Nolan that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 3:30pm.

This page was last updated on June 30, 2000.