The Annual General Meeting commenced at Lecture Theatre D of the Health Sciences Centre at 3 pm, April 27, 1999 with 17 members and 1 non-member attending. The workshop that day had been attended by 22 people.
1. Adoption of Minutes
It was moved by Debbie O’Reilly and seconded by George Beckett that the minutes of the 1998 Annual Meeting be adopted. CARRIED.
2. Treasurer’s Report
It was moved by George Beckett and seconded by Cathy Ryan that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted as presented. CARRIED.
3. Business Arising
a. Web Page
P. Morgan presented an update saying that the web page was up an running and could be accessed through http://www.infonet.st-johns.nf.ca/nlhla/. From some of the links from the home page, you can review minutes from past AGM’s, read NLHLA’s Lifeline, look at topic titles from past workshops, and see the list of executives from the previous years, to name a few. She urged the membership to look at the site and, if anyone had any suggestions for the Web Site, to contact her.
Pat Rahal suggested listing of health-related libraries or NLHLA members in different locations with e-mail addresses. A discussion followed regarding the list to be used and whether it should be mounted on the web site. It was decided that the membership list would not be mounted for security reasons. Anyone who wished a list of health related libraries could contact Patricia Coady at the Health Sciences Library.
b. Newsletter
H. Cooke said that the Winter 1999 issue of the NLHLA Lifeline could now be accessed through the NLHLA’s home page.
P. Morgan said that while the image for the NLHLA logo was good, the image copy was not really usable. Barbara Reid will check for a camera-ready image.
c. Workshops
CHLA/ABSC funding opportunities were discussed as well as joint meetings with other library organizations.
P. Morgan indicated that the NLLA is looking at doing a joint workshop with APLA around this fall or early winter on book preservation. G. Beckett suggested DocLine and Lonesome Doc, as well as ListServs, as a possibility.
4. New Business
a. Kudos
S. Cooper presented kudos to S. Wotherspoon and C. Sheehan for their excellent presentations over the years, as well as serving three times each on the executive of the NLHLA. She also added that on this our 20th Anniversary, the outstanding contributions of all those who contributed to the success of the NLHLA should be recognized.
b. Round Table
No libraries reported any updates or significant events going on.
Members were reminded that the early registration deadline for the CHLA conference has not yet passed. This year CHLA is in Halifax. Shelagh Wotherspoon has a copy of the program, and it is also on the CHLA website. The dates are May 28-29.
The Chapter Gift for CHLA was the discussed. It was moved by D. O’Reilly and seconded by S. Mensinkai that the NLHLA spend approximately $20 for a gift for the CHLA conference.
d. NLHLA Lifeline
Articles are gratefully being accepted for the next issue of the newsletter.
e. MLA
Advance notice was given that the MLA will be in Vancouver next year (2000), as a joint conference with CHLA. CHLA members will be able, therefore, to attend the MLA conference at a special rate.
5. Election of Officers
Heather Roberts agreed to serve as Vice-President/President-Elect. Victoria Marshall was nominated, but was not present to consent to the nomination. Therefore Heather Roberts was elected by acclaimation. Heather Cooke moves on to President, and Shirley Cooper continues in the second of her two-year term. Shelagh Wotherspoon is past president.
The new executive for 1999/2000 was declared as:
President – Heather Cooke
Vice-President/President-Elect – Heather Roberts
Secretary/Treasurer – Shirley Cooper (second year of two-year term)
6. Adjournment
It was moved by C. Ryan and seconded by D. Kearsey that the meeting adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 3:35pm.