The 1998 Annual General Meeting of the Newfoundland & Labrador Health Libraries Association was held on Friday, May 8, 1998 at 11:00 am at the Centre for Nursing Studies in conjunction with the Annual Workshop.
1. Adoption of Minutes
It was moved by L. Barnett and seconded by K. Lawton that the minutes of the 1997 Annual Meeting be adopted. PASSED.
2. Business Arising
a. NLHLA Newsletter
One newsletter was issued the past year. Since D. Howse left part-way through the year, there was no coordinator for the newsletter, and the two remaining members of the executive worked to get one issue out.
P. Walters’ husband sent in samples of logos for consideration. There was considerable discussion of the samples. In the end, the group choose Sample 3, with Lifeline as singular rather than plural, and without the box.
There was also discussion as to whether or not the logo should be in colour. The official CHLA colour was identified as Royal Blue. It was agreed that the word NLHLA should be in blue like CHLA and that the lifeline should be in red.
D. O’Reilly volunteered to assist the Vice-President in getting out the two issues of the newsletter that are scheduled for the upcoming year.
b. Web Page
Thanks were offered to P. Morgan for getting the web page up on the St. John’s Infonet.
There was a question as to whether or not the membership list could be placed on the web page. It was agreed that only the executive would be listed on the web page to prevent possible abuse of the membership list as a mailing list. P. Morgan maintains a mailing list for the association and any mail that members want to send to the list can be sent to her for forwarding to the membership. She also agreed to email a list of email addresses to members for their personal use.
It was decided that the newsletter should be placed on the web page as soon as it is available, and that instead of printing out copies and mailing to the membership, the membership would be emailed that a new issue was on the web page for viewing. A copy of the newsletter will be printed out only for those members who do not have web access.
There was agreement that it would be good to add a section to the page for ‘Meeting Highlights’, a short summary of the sessions held at the workshops. There was also a request that a place be added to the page for sending comments. P. Morgan pointed out that there was a “mailto” at the bottom of the first page, but this could also be placed further up the page and made more prominent as a place for comments. L. Barnett asked whether the Infonet could provide conferencing software. P. Morgan stated she was unsure, but did not think so.
Members were generally happy with the web page, and felt that it was good for making contact with people and feeling a part of the group. The problem facing many members, from out of town in particular, is getting the money to be able to come in and be a part of the sessions.
P. Morgan agreed to continue acting as webmaster for the Association. S. Wotherspoon offered to assist in maintaining the homepage.
c. Workshop
CHLA provides funding for workshops, in the form of a development fund. There was discussion as to how much money was available, and that transportation to bring in guest speakers was expensive. V. Marshall pointed out that CLA will partner/give matching funds for local programs and that perhaps APLA will as well.
S. Wotherspoon also noted that the CHLA has a professional development award to allow individuals to attend courses. The maximum amount for the award is $200 and the individual must be a CHLA member.
All members are to pass on to the executive at least one idea for a workshop. Moved by P. Rahal and seconded by D. O.Reilly that the Executive distribute the compiled list to the membership via email, and form a committee to work on develop a workshop on one of the topics. PASSED
3. New Business
a. Chapter gift for CHLA
Moved that the NLHLA provide a chapter gift for the CHLA Conference, to a maximum of $20. Moved by S. Wotherspoon, Seconded by S. Cooper. PASSED
S. Wotherspoon will be attending the CHLA and will bring the gift with her.
b. Consumer Health Information
Moved that the NLHLA support in principle the involvement of the NLHLA,subject to the approval of the Executive, in the application for funding in support of the `Pilot Project proposal for the Development of a Provincial Consumer Health Information Service’. Moved by L. Barnett, Seconded by S. Mensinkai. PASSED
It was clarified that the motion meant the the group supported the concept, but there are many details to be worked out by the Project Steering Committee, including the type of involvement they may or may not want from the Association. The membership would therefore leave it to the executive to make the final decision on what, if any, involvement the Association would have.
4. Any Other Business
A. There was no other business.
5. Treasurer’s Report
There was a question regarding the payment for the 1997 coffee break that had not yet cleared. P. Morgan explained that there had been an oversight and the bill had not been paid until recently.
Responding to a question about membership, P. Morgan said that it was currently at 18 members, but that we were expecting about 25 members by the time some of the out-of-town people sent in their membership forms.
Moved that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted as presented.
Moved by E. McGrath, Seconded by D. O’Reilly. PASSED
6. Election of Officers
With the resignation of D. Howse partway through the past year, all three positions on the executive needed to be filled.
Nominees were received for each of the three positions. After balloting, the new executive for 1998/99 was declared as:
President – Shelagh Wotherspoon
Vice-President/President-Elect – Heather Cooke
Secretary/Treasurer – Shirley Cooper (first year of two-year term)
7. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 12:15.

This page was last updated on February 9, 1999.