The 1997 Annual General Meeting of the Newfoundland & Labrador Health Libraries Association was held on Friday, May 9, 1997 at 11:00 am at the Health Sciences Centre in conjunction with the Annual Workshop.
1. Adoption of Minutes
It was moved by C. Lawton and seconded by D. O’Reilly that the minutes of the 1996 Annual Meeting be adopted. The motion was carried.
2. Business Arising
a. NLHLA Newsletter
The matter of a newsletter for the Association had previously been discussed. It had been felt that this would be a way to open lines of communication to widespread libraries. A sample newsletter was presented for the members to examine.
After discussion, the following decisions were made regarding the newsletter:
- there was agreement to the concept of an Association newsletter
- the length of the newsletter would be two pages
- it would be issued twice a year: Fall (November) and Spring (March)
- the name would be: NLHLA LIFELINE
- it will be mailed out, as well as mounted on the Association’s web page
- the Vice-President will have the responsibility for coordinating and editing the
newsletter. A committee should be involved in writing the material and gathering
news items. Preferably there should be at least two committee members in
addition to the VP, one from in town and one from out of town. - the executive will call a meeting of everyone interested in participating in the
Moved that the association publish a two-page, bi-annual newsletter, to be called the NLHLA LIFELINE, under the general direction of the Vice-President. Moved by S. Cooper. Seconded by D. Howse. PASSED
b. Logo
There was agreement that it would be nice to have a logo for the Association, particularly to be used in conjunction with the newsletter.
H. Cooke suggested making a lifeline with the initials of the Association interwoven. P. Walters suggested a graphic artist who could draw up some rough sketches based on the suggestions offered.
c. Workshop
Members are to pass on to the executive their ideas for topics or suggestions of what they would like to have a session on. The executive will then work with the CHLA to apply for funding.
3. New Business
a. Chapter gift for CHLA
Moved that the NLHLA provide a chapter gift for the CHLA Conference. Moved by C. Lawton, Seconded by D. O’Reilly. PASSED
S. Wotherspoon and G. Beckett will be attending the CHLA. One of them will bring the gift with them.
b. Web page for the NLHLA
There was no one in attendence at the meeting that did not have internet access. As well, many have or are in the process of developing a web page. The HSL has a web page, the HCCSJ is developing one. Other associations such as CLA, CHLA, APLA, and NLA have web pages. It was agreed that the Association should have a web page.
A sample web page for the NLHLA is mounted at: http:\\www.ucs.mun.ca\~pmorgan\NLHLA.htm
Discussion ensued regarding finding the space to mount the web page. The NLA web
page is on the St. John’s InfoNet, which provides free space for non-profitĀ organizations. C. Pennell at the Queen Elizabeth II Library is the contact person.
Moved that the Executive investigate develop an Association web page, and investigate possibilities for mounting it. Moved by C. Lawton, Seconded by B. Reid. PASSED
D. Howse offered to contact C. Pennell to discuss getting space on the St. John’sĀ Infonet, and to move the sample web page to that location if space is granted. D. Howse will revise the web page as needed.
c. Changes to the Constitution
i. Change of Meeting Time
The Constitution currently reads:
The membership year shall be from November 01 to October 31, annually.
The executive proposed to change it to read:
The membership year shall be from May 01 to April 30, annually.
The rationale was so that the time of the meeting would match the time of election, and therefore term, of officers.
Moved that the membership year be from May 01 to April 30, annually. Moved by L. Barnett, Seconded by P. Morgan. PASSED
ii. Change of Membership Year
The Constitution currently reads:
The Annual meeting of the Association shall be held in the Fall of each year on
a date and location to be set by the Executive.
The executive proposed to change it to read:
The Annual meeting of the Association shall be held in the Spring of each year on a date and location to be set by the Executive.
The rationale was that this had been discussed at the AGM in 1994, but never formally passed to change the Constitution. The rationale at that time was : “Due to conflicts with CHLA changes in executive, and membership renewal dates …”
Moved that the Annual meeting of the Association be held in the Spring of each year on a date and location to be set by the Executive. Moved by C. Lawton, Seconded by H. Cooke. PASSED
4. Any Other Business
A. There was some discussion regarding G. Beckett’s presentation on Docline. It was felt that there were too many negotiations ongoing at the time, and too many questions still to be answered before anyone could make a decision. SERHOLD was mentioned as a possible topic for a workshop.
B. P. Walters stated that she was surprised by the lack of membership from outside the St. John’s area. She will bring it up at the next meeting of the Hospital Education Directors. Discussion ensued. It was pointed out that there was only the one meeting per year, and that people found it difficult to get funding to attend. Only four members had indicated teleconferencing as a viable option. There is a need to do more promotion. P. Walters offered to supply a list of education people to whom we can direct some efforts, not just to libraries. Staffing of the hospital libraries was felt to be a continuing problem.
5. Treasurer’s Report
Moved that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted as presented. Moved by C. Lawton, Seconded by D. O’Reilly. PASSED
There was a question as to whether or not CHLA fees were paid last year for executive members. There is no need to pay the fees for individuals if the individual’s institution is an institutional member, which was the case for most executive members last year.
Regarding the balance in the account, it was pointed out that fees had increased last year in anticipation of costs associated with producing a newsletter, but the newsletter was never produced.
6. Election of Officers
Only one position is needed to be filled this year, that of Vice-President/President-Elect.
S. Mensinkai and D. Howse both agreed to stand for election. Ballots were distributed, collected, and counted by the current executive. D. Howse was declared elected.
The new executive for 1997/98 is:
President – Cathy Ryan (promoted from Vice-President)
Vice-President/President-Elect – David Howse
Secretary/Treasurer – Pamela Morgan (second year of two-year term)
7. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 11:58. Moved by H. Cooke. Seconded by D. Howse. PASSED