The 1996 Annual General Meeting of the Newfoundland & Labrador Health Libraries Association was held on Friday, April 26, 1996 at 2:00 pm at the Health Sciences Centre in conjunction with the Annual Workshop.
1. Adoption of Minutes
It was moved by S. Mensinkai and seconded by E. McGrath that the minutes of the 1994 Annual Meeting be adopted. The motion was carried.
2. Business Arising
2.1 It was decided that the NLHLA should continue with plans to develop its own newsletter. The NLHLA vice-president, who presently has no defined tasks, could take on the role of newsletter editor. The vice-president would also be the BMC correspondent. The executive will actively pursue this matter.
2.2 NLHLA members were asked to submit suggestions/samples for a logo to the executive. The first edition of the newsletter will include all suggestions, and members will vote for their preference.
3. New Business
3.1 The resource sharing task force 1995-1996 newsletter was distributed for discussion. G. Beckett, the Task Force member from the NLHLA was absent from the AGM, so no progress report was available. A Union List Survey was supposed to have been carried out, however no members were aware of whether the survey had been completed. It was decided that the Executive would contact G. Beckett to obtain an update on Task Force activities. This would be included in our first newsletter for the information of all NLHLA members.
3.2 The invitation to the CHLA Chapter President’s Luncheeon and request for a chapter gift were given to C. Sheehan, the incoming NLHLA predident. She will purchase a chapter gift for the CHLA meeting in June.
3.3 E. Deluney raised the matter for discussion as to whether our chapter should apply for seed money from the CHLA to develop a full-day workshop for the coming Fall. Possible topics could be chosen from members’ suggestions or from a list of MLA CE courses. The executive will look into this.
4. General Announcements
4.1 H. Cooke reminded everyone that the coming week is Library Week. There will be exhibits at the Village Mall on Saturday, and commercials on local television.
5. Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report was submitted and approved.
6. Election of Officers
Catherine Sheehan – President
Cathy Ryan – Vice-President/President-Elect
Pam Morgan – Secretary/Treasurer
The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 pm.