The 1994 Annual General Meeting of the Newfoundland & Labrador Health Libraries Association was held on Friday, November 18, 1994 at 11:45 am at the Health Sciences Centre in conjunction with the Annual Workshop.
1. Adoption of Minutes
It was moved by S. Wotherspoon and seconded by L. Barnett that the minutes of the 1993 Annual Meeting be adopted. The motion was carried.
2. Business Arising
2.1 Routing list: L. Barnett will continue to route items of interest to NLHLA members, including CHLA correspondence and publications.
2.2 Logo: Work on the logo will be shelved for the time being as
everyone is busy preparing for the CHLA conference.
2.3 NLA Affiliation: There was discussion about pursuing some form of
affiliation between NLHLA and NLA. It was decided to put this matter on hold
so that we can concentrate on strengthening our own organization.
2.4 BI Workshop: There was discussion as to whether our chapter should
apply for seed money from the CHLA to develop a BI workshop. This will be
pursued after the CHLA workshop.
2.5 NLHLA Newsletter: It was decided that the NLHLA should develop its
own newsletter. The NLHLA vice-president, who presently has no defined tasks,
could take on the role of newsletter editor. The vice-president could be
assisted by the BMC correspondent. This will be discussed further at the next
3. New Business
3.1 CCHFA Standards: The CCHFA new standards are due to be published
in 1995. These will be in a new format which will reflect a program approach.
3.2 CHLA Standards: CHLA standards are now in the second draft. S.
Mensinkai is requesting feedback on this.
3.3 Spring AFGM: Due to conflicts with CHLA changes in executive, and
membership renewal dates, it was suggested that we should revert to a spring
AGM. This would involve changes in our constitution. The executive will look
at this.
3.4 CHLA Conference Funding: There was discussion as to whether the
NLHLA could contribute funding to an out-of-town NLHLA member to attend the
1995 CHLA Conference in St. John’s. This funding would be $100-$150. The
executive will check into this.
3.5 CHLA Conference Mailouts: S. Cooper requested that NLHLA members
agree to mail out some of the correspondence for the conference ($100-$150 per
organization). She asked members to submit a letter to confirm this.
3.6 Funding for CHLA Keepsakes: The NLHLA agreed to pay for the cost
of materials for CHLA keepsakes which are being prepared by S. Cooper.
4. Election of Officers
Debbie O’Reilly – President
Catherine Sheehan – Vice-President/President-Elect
Cathy Ryan – Secretary/Treasurer
The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 pm.