Newfoundland and Labrador Health Libraries Association Constitution (PDF)
The name of the Association shall be the Newfoundland and Labrador Health Libraries Association (or NLHLA).
The objectives of the Association shall be:
- to promote the provision of high quality library service to the health community in Newfoundland and Labrador by mutual assistance and communication.
- to provide professional support to the membership by promoting and offering education opportunities.
- The membership shall be open to all persons interested in the objectives of the Association.
- The membership fees shall be paid annually, the amount to be determined by the executive.
- The amounts prescribed as the appropriate membership fees may be altered from time to time by resolution of the executive without amendment to the Constitution, but no such alteration shall take effect otherwise than respect of a complete membership year.
- The membership year shall be from May 01 to April 30, annually.
Business of the Association shall be conducted and managed by an Executive Committee consisting of the following:
- President
- Vice-President
- Secretary/Treasurer (This position may be split into 2 positions).
Term of office for President and Vice-President/President-Elect shall be for one year. Term of office for Secretary/Treasurer shall be for two years.
The PRESIDENT is the official representative of the Association. He/She is responsible for:
- organizing and chairing all meetings
- presiding over elections of the Executive
- liaising with the Board of CHLA/ABSC
- perform the President’s duties in the abscence of the President
- assist the President as requested
- be the administrator for the website
- publicize all meetings and record minutes of all meetings
- have charge of all correspondence
- maintain the membership list
- collect fees and issue receipts
- present an annual financial report
- The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held in the Spring of each year on a date and location to be set by the Executive.
- Executive meetings shall be held at the discretion of the President.
- A quorum shall be 25% of paid membership.
- Elections shall be held at the Annual Meeting.
- The President shall preside over the elections.
- Nominations shall be received from any paid member for the positions of Vice-
President/President-Elect and Secretary/Treasurer. - All paid members are entitled to one vote.
- The Vice-President shall automatically fill the position of President to ensure continuity of the Executive.
The Constitution may be amended by two-thirds majority of the members present at the general meeting of the Association.
Dated: January 1992
Last Amended: May 2013