Post-conference Update

I want to express my gratitude to all of this year’s conference presenters.  We had a full and varied program, and an excellent turnout from our membership.  Thank you to our keynote speaker, Crystal Rose, and to everyone who helped to make the day a success.  To help us keep building on that success, we need to hear from you.  What stood out to you as highlights?  What did we do this year that we should do again?  Help us to choose a direction for focussing our efforts by completing this brief survey.

We have a vacancy in the 2016-2017 executive.  This is an opportunity for you to step forward and help guide NLHLA.  As Vice President/President-Elect, you are in charge of communications (emails, web posts) and helping to plan the annual conference.  If you are interested in being Vice President/President Elect, please email me by Tuesday, July 5.

Last of all, please save the date for Thursday, October 13th.  Details to follow!

Thank you,
